Updates on 14 Months
1.Vocabulary increases-Instead of 'papa','mama' *still cannot pronounce mummy huhu* and now he says few new words like 'tata' 'nanak' means xnak..
2.Kick balls and throw balls to us..
3.Uses combination of words and gestures to express himself-Such gigit gigi,genggam tangan then bergegar-konon GERAM)hehehe
4.Still like to bite people esp mummy..(T_T)
5.Daya focus still 15 seconds >_<
6.Has tantrum like always -such a drama king baby
7.Learns to do chores a bit.Kemas dalam basket then keluarkan balik toys.Hehehe
8.Nap time reduce.Normally he will take nap twice but now kalau dpt nap once a day tu pun dah syukur alhamdulillah..Then bedtime is around 9pm/10pm untill the next morning as usual 6.30am/7am wake up
9.Social skills-Very friendly with adults but NOT with kids.Cucu makcik sebelah takut nampak ammar terus larik >_< .
10.His fav cartoon still Upin Ipin but tu pun tgk dlm 15 saat je..haih..but he will fascinated by commercials..kalau ada iklan tuh, dia akan tgk smpi abis..sometimes I just wish ada TV yg tunjuk iklan 24jam hahaha so that my ammar will sit still
11.Understands few initial commands/directions.
12.L diaper,10kg.
13.He could recognized only 2 body parts which is "hands" and "legs"
14.Able to draw conteng2 on paper
5.Daya focus still 15 seconds >_<
6.Has tantrum like always -such a drama king baby
7.Learns to do chores a bit.Kemas dalam basket then keluarkan balik toys.Hehehe
8.Nap time reduce.Normally he will take nap twice but now kalau dpt nap once a day tu pun dah syukur alhamdulillah..Then bedtime is around 9pm/10pm untill the next morning as usual 6.30am/7am wake up
9.Social skills-Very friendly with adults but NOT with kids.Cucu makcik sebelah takut nampak ammar terus larik >_< .
10.His fav cartoon still Upin Ipin but tu pun tgk dlm 15 saat je..haih..but he will fascinated by commercials..kalau ada iklan tuh, dia akan tgk smpi abis..sometimes I just wish ada TV yg tunjuk iklan 24jam hahaha so that my ammar will sit still
11.Understands few initial commands/directions.
12.L diaper,10kg.
13.He could recognized only 2 body parts which is "hands" and "legs"
14.Able to draw conteng2 on paper
15.Dah pandai salam org n cium tangan
16.If me n hubby nak pi keje, dia akan salam cium tangan n lambai us and said 'tata'
17. Have 7 teeths but pagi tadi I spot a white spottish kat gigi geraham bawah sebelah kiri..nak tumbuh dah la tu..in process..lagilah kena amik langkah berjaga2 sbb dia suka gigit huhu
18. I still cant quite figure ammar ni left handed or right handed sbb dia guna dua2 belah tgn..sometimes pegang pen/makan guna left hand but sometimes guna right hand jugak..haih...tggu besar sket..
19.His favourite game is main dgn blocks yg colourful
20.xreti duduk diam..hyper..abis segala benda dia nak panjat
Updates on 13 Months
Updates on 13 Months
1.Copycat-Kuat tiru perbuatan.Kita buat itu ini semua akan tiru sambil ketawa.Kita petik jari,dia petik tanpa bunyi.Kita batuk n then dia pun batuk..haih...n recently I sakit food poisoning so muntah2, then dia nampak, dia pun nak muntah gak dgn gaya n suara2 org muntah tuh hahaha damn funny!!!
2.Curious pada everything surrounding him
4.Diapers maintain L
5. Suka koyak buku/magazines or any papers >_<
6.Habit menjerit,head banging and buat pemberontakan kecil if rasa xpuas hati (T_T)
7.Banyak sgt akalnya-Suka buat banyak perkara dalam satu masa...sambil mkn sambil sepah2kan umah huhu
8.Suka kemas rumah yg dah sedia kemas ni huhu (T_T) u know what I mean
9.Berceloteh non stop dengan his own language bila dengan stranger...sgt friendly..I rasa terover friendly..haih..kena pantau lebih ni bila besar
10.Tidur dari kecil sampai sekarang mmg lasak ya rabbi...xterkira jatuh katil so sbg precautions we all letak toto di sepanjang katil spy if dia jatuh xdelah sakit sgt...n lucky for us katil ni rendah jek..mmg sengaja beli yg rendah2 sbb dah tau kes2 mcm ni will happen kehkeh
13.still have 6 teeths
14.He likes to hug/kiss mommy and papa
15.Loves to play hide and seek/peek-a-boo game..then laugh
16.Can drink from a normal glass but just get ready dgn baju basah tumpah air
17.Pointing and mumbling here and there a lot.
18. Can dance gerak2 tangan n punggung which look so cute bile dgr lagu2...
19. Akan terdiam n khusyuk dgr azan *if nangis terus stop*
Terimalah gambar terbaru saya...hai..nak kenal ke?? tggu sy besar dl ek hehehe ...*kalau x nanti u kena tukar diapers sy*
xreti sit still..haih
budak muka comot mkn biskut coklat
favourite game...
p/s just abaikan foto2 xberkualiti ni sbb tangakap guna henpon cap ayam jek hahaha
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