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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

jalan - jalan di Kebun Binatang

Hi and salam ualls...We had 4days hols last weekend due of Maulidur Rasul n Thaipusam so blk KL la..byk plan nak buat..on Sunday went to Ikea to buy TV bench due of ours yg dah patah the other day (T_T)..but Ikea on Sunday of coz la suicide..perasaan dpt parking seperti mahu menari chicken dance saje -____-" if u know what i mean!! same goes to people there..bising macam pasar borong gamaknya..but we got what we want hehehe..TV bench yg murah berharga RM2** hope it lasts at least 5 years..then dah sampai sana haruslah mkn meatball yg digemari...I beratur sementara mr.h n ammar carik tpt duduk..que nye blh tahan pjg..kemudian straight blk rumah sbb Ahad tu Maulidur Rasul so ingat nak santai2 je kat umah KL n tgk citer2 best sempena Maulidur..n mlm tuh solat jemaah bersama keluarga..

The next day we went to Zoo or di Indonesia bilang Kebun Binatang...Wow, blh tahan ramai org time2 cuti ni kan? The admission fees is RM20 for adult n RM6 for children (3-14years)..The last time I went there it only cost us RM9..Just imagine how many years x dtg sini walhal umah kat KL ke zoo ni lebih kurang 15minit drive je hehehe..The place so far sggttttt byk beza compared to yesteryear..i'm impressed n btw sbb I ni kan underistimated zoo ni sbb ingat 'eleh zoo negara ni kecik je 2jam dah abis pusing' huhu..I guess I was totally wrong..the place is huge..thank God I naik tram kalau x mmg sekerat jln je then patah blk..huhu..Just imagine I have to walk around with my almost 2years old kid yg suka org dukung dia bila dia penat huh...n my ammar xsuka stroller..dia xsuka kena strap kat stroller!! he likes to explore so I really envy parents yg ada anak sgt well behave n x byk songeh bila kena strap kat stroller tuh!! how u do dat parents?? how u make ur kid well behave bila kat stroller??? tell me tell me

I am so ready to my penjelajahan di kebun binatang@zoo

start with this place 1st ey..

tgk apa sayang?

zoo xkan ada serinya tanpa gajah kan?? the most big and cutest animal on earth..sapa ckp besar x comel hehee

ammar rest while papa...

q utk naik tram huhu sungguh pjg q itu...xpe sabarkan sebahagian Iman kan b?

my fav animal..leopard...

family pix...tq to stranger yg willingly nak tlg amikkan gbr we all even without ask...(^_^)

 sblm balik Ammar sempat pau papa beli menatang monyet ni..nangis2 nak but hujung2 main 5minit je pastu buang merata -_______-"

p/s- disebabkan pergi kebun binatang jugak, ammar can speak a few new words..mummy n papa sgt happy rasa nak lompat2..I guess, my Ammar ni type yg suka belajar bila ada benda depan mata...
moo-for cow/seladang etc..yg ni lawak sbb I kan sll baca buku dgn dia kat rumah so bila I tunjuk cow I selalu sebut 'moo' even Ammar xpernah respond pon but during dat day, masa nampak cow/seladang je terus said moo..hehehe comel jek
meow-tiger hahah..dats not cat ye ammar... 

Next in line, I nak bawak dia ke Planeterium, Petrosains,Bird Park etc....hopefully dpt pergi satu hari nanti so you can learn something ammar..



  1. waahhh, sy perasan kat tv3 hr tuh tunjuk psl ramai sgt pengunjung kat zoo negara pd musim cuti nih. dan yana, awk dan famili adlh salah sorangnya. Tahniah! :-D

    Seronoklah ammar dapat gi zoo. Tp tak bestnya dia suka didukung. Dah besar, mau lenguh pinggang. Kuikui~

  2. tau xpe...nasib papa yg byk dukung hehehe...



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